To use OPENROWSET you have to enable Ad Hoc Distributed Queries
sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1; RECONFIGURE; GO sp_configure 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries', 1; RECONFIGURE; GOExcel
1. To Import Data from Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Worksheet(.xlsx)
Step 1: Configure ACE Driver
EXEC master.dbo.sp_MSset_oledb_prop N'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0', N'AllowInProcess', 1 GO EXEC master.dbo.sp_MSset_oledb_prop N'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0', N'DynamicParameters', 1 GOStep 2:
SELECT * INTO dbo.ExcelWorksheetContacts FROM OPENROWSET('Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0', 'Excel 12.0;HDR=NO;Database=E:\SQLCAT\book1.xlsx;', [Contacts$] )2. To Import Data from Microsoft Office Excel 97-2003 Worksheet(.xls)
SELECT * INTO dbo.ExcelWorksheetContacts FROM OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 'Excel 8.0;HDR=YES;Database=E:\SQLCAT\ExcelWorksheet.xls', 'Select FirstName,LastName,DateofBirth,Address1,City,State,ZipCode From [Contacts$]')
3. To Import Data from Excel with Restricted Columns and Rows
SELECT * INTO dbo.ExcelWorksheetContacts FROM OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 'Excel 8.0;Database=E:\SQLCAT\ExcelWorksheet.xls;HDR=yes', 'SELECT * FROM [Contacts$A1:C3]' )4. To Export Data in Excel (Already Have format) from SQL Table
1. Excel Sheet must contain Header in First Row
2. No of Columns must match
INSERT INTO OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 'Excel 8.0;Database=E:\SQLCAT\ExcelWorksheet.xls;HDR=yes', 'SELECT * FROM [Contacts$]') SELECT * FROM dbo.ExcelWorksheetContacts
5. To Import Data from Excel using BCP command
1. Table ExcelWorksheetContacts should already exist
1. Table ExcelWorksheetContacts should already exist
DECLARE @sql VARCHAR(500) SELECT @sql= 'bcp "SQLCat.dbo.ExcelWorksheetContacts" in "E:\SQLCAT\ExcelWorksheet.xls" -S -PC\SQLSERVER2008R2 -T -c' EXEC xp_cmdshell @sql
6. To Export Data in Excel from SQL Table using BCP
1. Excel File should already exist
1. Excel File should already exist
EXEC xp_cmdshell 'bcp "Select * from SQLCat.dbo.ExcelWorksheetContacts" queryout "E:\SQLCAT\ExcelWorksheet.xls" -S -PC\SQLSERVER2008R2 -T -c'
SQL Server Error:
IF you found following ERROR during Import through TSQL just restart the SQL Server Services
OLE DB provider "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" for linked server "(null)" returned message "Unspecified error".
Msg 7303, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" for linked server "(null)".
Text File
1. To Import from a Text File to SQL Table
1. Table Text_ConstactsFile should already exist
1. Text file should already exist
1. Table Text_ConstactsFile should already exist
1. To Import Data From CSV File to SQL Table
and an excellent link on Excel Import\Export
IF you found following ERROR during Import through TSQL just restart the SQL Server Services
OLE DB provider "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" for linked server "(null)" returned message "Unspecified error".
Msg 7303, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" for linked server "(null)".
1. To Import from a Text File to SQL Table
1. Table Text_ConstactsFile should already exist
DECLARE @sql VARCHAR(500) SELECT @sql= 'bcp "SQLCat.dbo.Text_ConstactsFile" in "E:\SQLCAT\Text_ConstactsFile.txt" -S -PC\SQLSERVER2008R2 -T -c' EXEC xp_cmdshell @sql2. To Export in Text File from SQL Table
1. Text file should already exist
EXEC xp_cmdshell 'bcp "SELECT * FROM SQLCat.dbo.Text_ConstactsFile" queryout "E:\SQLCAT\Text_ConstactsFile.txt" -S -PC\SQLSERVER2008R2 -T -c'3. Bulk Insert from Text file to SQL Table
1. Table Text_ConstactsFile should already exist
BULK INSERT SQLCat.dbo.Text_ConstactsFile FROM 'E:\SQLCAT\Text_ConstactsFile.txt' WITH ( FIELDTERMINATOR = '\t', ROWTERMINATOR = '\n' )CSV File
1. To Import Data From CSV File to SQL Table
SELECT * INTO SQLCat..CSV_ContactsSheet FROM OPENROWSET('MSDASQL', 'Driver={Microsoft Text Driver (*.txt; *.csv)};DEFAULTDIR=E:\SQLCAT\;HDR=yes;' ,'SELECT top 2 * FROM CSV_ContactsSheet.CSV' )
and an excellent link on Excel Import\Export